The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki
This feature is present in: Renewed, Legacy.

Haradric bricks are the main building materials of the Southrons and are used to build many of the Southron structures. NearHaradBrick-P


Haradric bricks are made with four white or red sandstone on a Haradric crafting table. Once the bricks have been obtained, they can be used to create slabs, walls, stairs and carved bricks using the regular recipes with the same crafting table.

Any Haradric crafting recipe
Any Haradric Crafting
Haradric Brick
Any Haradric crafting recipe
Any Haradric Crafting
Red Sandstone
Red Sandstone
Red Sandstone
Red Sandstone
Red Haradric Brick

Cracked Haradric Brick[]

To make the cracked variant, first craft regular bricks (of either colour) as shown above. Then smelt them in a furnace or any type of forge. The cracked slabs, stairs, and walls can now be made on a Haradric crafting table, using the normal Minecraft recipes.

heat needed
Haradric Brick
any kind of fuel
Cracked Haradric Brick

Carved Haradric Brick[]

Carved varieties of either colour (each with a different pattern) can be crafted using four of the respective bricks in a Haradric crafting table.

Any Haradric crafting recipe
Any Haradric Crafting
Haradric Brick
Haradric Brick
Haradric Brick
Haradric Brick
Carved Haradric Brick
Any Haradric crafting recipe
Any Haradric Crafting
Red Haradric Brick
Red Haradric Brick
Red Haradric Brick
Red Haradric Brick
Carved Red Haradric Brick

Trimmed Haradric Brick[]

A lapis-trimmed variant (of the regular brick only) can also be obtained as of the Public Beta 26.

Any Haradric crafting recipe
Any Haradric Crafting
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli
Haradric Brick
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis-trimmed Haradric Brick
Harad Contest Shield  The Southrons of Near Harad  Near Harad Banner

NPCs: Slave
Traders: Merchant
Items: Black Númenórean ArmourBowEquipmentRobes
Blocks: BasketBrickChestCrafting Table
Structures: Ancient FortressObeliskPyramid

Umbar Shield  The Corsairs of Umbar  Umbar Banner

NPCs: Umbarians (Archer, Banner Bearer, Corsair, Soldier) • Gondorian Renegade
Traders: BartenderBazaar TradersCaptain (Umbar) • FarmerSlaver
Items: Armour (Umbaric, Horse) • Equipment (Umbaric)
Blocks: BrickCrafting Table
Structures: CampHideoutSettlement

Near Harad Shield  The Southrons of the Coasts  Near Harad Banner

NPCs: Southrons (Archer, Banner Bearer, Champion, Warrior)
Traders: BartenderBazaar TradersFarmerWarlord
Items: Armour (Horse, Champion) • Equipment
Blocks: Crafting Table
Structures: Settlement

Harnedor Shield  The Harnedhrim of Harnennor  Near Harad Banner

NPCs: Harnedhrim (Archer, Banner Bearer, Farmhand, Warrior)
Traders: BartenderBazaar TradersFarmerWarlord
Items: Armour
Blocks: Crafting Table
Structures: CampSettlementWatchtower

HelmetNomad  The Nomads of the Great Desert  Southron Nomads Banner

NPCs: Nomads (Archer, Banner Bearer, Guard)
Traders: Bazaar TradersChieftainMerchant
Items: Armour
Blocks: Crafting Table
Structures: Settlement

Gulfing Shield  The Gulfings of Khopazul  Gulf of Harad Banner

NPCs: Gulfing (Archer, Banner Bearer, Warrior)
Traders: BartenderBazaar TradersFarmerWarlord
Items: ArmourEquipment
Blocks: Crafting Table
Structures: Settlement

AngmarBrick AngmarArnorBrick ArnorSarngaranBrick CargonDalish Brick DaleDol Amroth Brick Dol AmrothDolGuldurBrick Dol GuldurDorwinionBrick Dorwinion
DwarvenBrick DwarvenElvenBrick ElvenGondorBrick Gondor (GondorCobblebrick Cobble) • Near Harad Brick HaradricIce Brick IceSarlluinBrick LuigonMordorBrick Mordor
Morwaith Brick MorwaithMud Brick MudNúmenórean Brick NúmenóreanRed Brick RedRhûnic Brick Rhûnic (Red Rhûnic Brick Red)
Rohan Brick RohanSnow Brick SnowTaurethrim Brick TaurethrimUmbar Brick UmbarUruk brick UrukUtumnoBricks Utumno
