The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki
This feature is present in: Renewed, Legacy.

This page is about normal spears, you might also look for longspears.

Spears are weapons that can damage enemies from a distance. There are many different kinds of spears, such as the Galadhrim, Orc, mithril, and bronze spears. Certain mobs can spawn with spears, such as Gondor soldiers, Orcs, or Galadhrim warriors.

Gondor Tower Guard

A Gondor tower guard carrying a Gondorian spear.


Spears are a ranged weapon, and require a pullback time similar to a bow. The strength that the spear is thrown against an enemy depends on the pullback time of that spear. Once thrown, the spear can be retrieved by the person who threw it. Be careful, however -- if you've engaged in PvP, your opponent can throw the spear you threw at him back at you, so always be aware of the possibility of counter-throws. As of Public Beta 25, spears can also be used as a melee weapon more effectively, they have a longer reach than that of a sword, three blocks to be exact; However they do less damage than swords. They can even be fired from dispensers, making them good ammo for redstone ballistae.


Prior to Public Beta 21, when the spear hit its target it became a floating item which could be grabbed by the mob they hit and thrown back at him/her. In that case, the player wouldn't get the spear back. As of Public Beta 21 this has been changed, and a spear becomes stuck in the ground after it's thrown, and only a player can retrieve it.

Spears were added to renewed (but were not initially throwable) in Renewed Snapshot 4.5. They were then made throwable and dispensable in Renewed Snapshot 4.6, and behaviour for use with shields was added, meaning that you have to crouch to throw a spear if you have a shield in your offhand.


The player can gain the achievement "Speared!" if they successfully kill a foe with a spear from a distance of at least 50m. The player can also gain the achievement "More than Meets the Eye" if they suffer a blow from Orc spear while wearing Mithril chestplate.

NPCs with spears[]

As mentioned before, many of the Mod's NPCs may spawn wielding a spear. When an NPC spawns with a spear, it'll throw the spear at its foe as a one-time used ranged weapon. This can deal significant damage, however, so watch out for spear-wielding foes; they can easily deal over 10 HP of damage to an unarmoured opponent.

The following NPCs can spawn wielding a spear:

The following NPCs don't use spears:

Crafting and Damage[]

All spears, with the exception of the Morwaith spear, follow the same recipe shape as seen in the picture below. The ingot and crafting table varies, however, for each one.

Melee damage of spears are same as same type of dagger (i.e. bronze spear = bronze dagger). Speed is 83%, reach (when handheld) is 150%, and drawspeed is 100%. The following list is sorted by increasing attack damage:

Spear Crafting Recipes
Crafting Recipe Damage (melee) Damage (thrown)
vanilla crafting recipe
any stick
any stick
Stone Spear
5 ( 5 ) Unknown
vanilla crafting recipe
any stick
any stick
Bronze Ingot
Bronze Spear
5.5 ( 5) 11-12 ( 11  11  to  12  12 )
vanilla crafting recipe
any stick
any stick
Iron Ingot
Iron Spear
6.0 ( 6) 12-14 ( 12  12  to  14  14 )
Gondorian crafting recipe
Gondorian Crafting
any stick
any stick
Iron Ingot
Gondorian Spear
6.5 ( 6) 12-14 ( 12  12  to  14  14 )
Taurethrim crafting recipe
Taurethrim Crafting
any stick
any stick
Obsidian Shard
Taurethrim Spear
6.5 ( 6) 12-14 ( 12  12  to  14  14 )
Rhûnic crafting recipe
Rhûnic Crafting
any stick
any stick
Iron Ingot
Rhûnic Spear
6.5 ( 6) 12-14 ( 12  12  to  14  14 )
Arnorian spear SpearArnorian
Repair with iron ingots
6.5 ( 6) 12-14 ( 12  12  to  14  14 )
Dalish crafting recipe
Dalish Crafting
any stick
any stick
Iron Ingot
Dalish Spear
6.5 ( 6) 12-14 ( 12  12  to  14  14 )
Morgul crafting recipe
Morgul Crafting
any stick
any stick
Orc Steel Ingot
Mordor Spear
6.5 ( 6) 12-14 ( 12  12  to  14  14 )
Rohirric crafting recipe
Rohirric Crafting
any stick
any stick
Iron Ingot
Rohirric Spear
6.5 ( 6) 12-14 ( 12  12  to  14  14 )
Angmar crafting recipe
Angmar Crafting
any stick
any stick
Orc Steel Ingot
Angmar Spear
6.5 ( 6) 12-14 ( 12  12  to  14  14 )
Any Haradric crafting recipe
Any Haradric Crafting
any stick
any stick
Bronze Ingot
Haradric Spear
6.5 ( 6) 12-14 ( 12  12  to  14  14 )
Dol Guldur crafting recipe
Dol Guldur Crafting
any stick
any stick
Orc Steel Ingot
Dol Guldur Spear
6.5 ( 6) 12-14 ( 12  12  to  14  14 )
Morwaith crafting recipe
Morwaith Crafting
Gemsbok Horn
Gemsbok Horn
Gemsbok Horn
Morwaith Spear
7.0 ( 7) 14-17 ( 14  14  to  17  17 )
Galadhrim crafting recipe
Galadhrim Crafting
Mallorn Stick
Mallorn Stick
Elven Steel Ingot
Galadhrim Spear
7.0 ( 7) 14-17 ( 14  14  to  17  17 )
Wood-elven crafting recipe
Wood-elven Crafting
any stick
any stick
Elven Steel Ingot
Wood-elven Spear
7.0 ( 7) 14-17 ( 14  14  to  17  17 )
Lindon crafting recipe
Lindon Crafting
any stick
any stick
Elven Steel Ingot
Lindon Spear
7.0 ( 7) 14-17 ( 14  14  to  17  17 )
Rivendell crafting recipe
Rivendell Crafting
any stick
any stick
Elven Steel Ingot
Rivendell Spear
7.0 ( 7) 14-17 ( 14  14  to  17  17 )
Dorwinion crafting recipe
Dorwinion Crafting
any stick
any stick
Dwarven Steel Ingot
Spear of Bladorthin
7.0 ( 7) 14-17 ( 14  14  to  17  17 )
Dwarven crafting recipe
Dwarven Crafting
any stick
any stick
Dwarven Steel Ingot
Dwarven Spear
7.0 ( 7) 14-17 ( 14  14  to  17  17 )
Blue Mountains crafting recipe
Blue Mountains Crafting
any stick
any stick
Blue Dwarven Steel Ingot
Blue Dwarven Spear
7.0 ( 7) 14-17 ( 14  14  to  17  17 )
Uruk crafting recipe
Uruk Crafting
any stick
any stick
Uruk Steel Ingot
Uruk Spear
7.0 ( 7) 14-17 ( 14  14  to  17  17 )
Gundabad crafting recipe
Gundabad Crafting
any bone
any bone
Uruk Steel Ingot
Gundabad Uruk Spear
7.0 ( 7) 14-17 ( 14  14  to  17  17 )
Morgul crafting recipe
Morgul Crafting
any stick
any stick
Black Uruk Steel Ingot
Black Uruk Spear
7.0 ( 7) 14-17 ( 14  14  to  17  17 )
Utumno spear SpearUtumno
Repair with Orc steel ingots
7.5 ( 7) 14-19 ( 14  14  to  19  19 )
vanilla crafting recipe
any stick
any stick
Mithril Ingot
Mithril Spear
9.0 ( 9) 17-24 ( 17  17  to  24  24  24 )

Damage Calculation[]

The values given in the table are averages; that is, they assume:

  • That the spear is being thrown as hard as you can, and
  • That the spear doesn't go through your opponent

If the spear actually manages to go through your opponent, it can greatly increase the damage it deals.


All spears as of Public Beta 32.


The anglo-saxon gar-rune (= letter G) means "spear". Tolkien used those ᚱᚢᚾᛖᛋ for some texts in the initial drafts of "The Lord of the Rings", later on, he replaced them by cirth runes. Sorry, no quote (not included in the Old English rune poem).

The One Wiki to Rule Them All has an article on:


Melee: AxeTauredain AxesBattleaxeDwarven BattleaxesDaggerOrc DaggersHammerGondor Hammers
MaceHalfTroll MacesBlue Dwarven Mattock MattocksOrcSkullStaff16 Orc Skull StaffsRollingPin Rolling PinsSwordDolAmroth Swords
Polearms: PolearmElven BattlestavesPoleaxeNearHarad HalberdsLanceRohan LancesLongspearWoodElven Longspears
PikeDwarven PikesSpearAngmar SpearsDunlendingTrident TridentsPolearmOrc Warscythes
Ranged: TauredainBlowgun BlowgunsBlackUrukBow BowsCrossbowUruk CrossbowsSling Slings
Throwing: Conker ConkersFire-pot Fire-potsPlateItem PlatesSpearAngmar SpearsTermite TermitesThrowingAxeBlueDwarven Throwing Axes
Miscellaneous: BalrogWhip Balrog WhipsKhamulsFireBlock Khamûl's FireSauronMace Mace of Sauron
OrcBomb Orc BombsGandalfStaffWhite Staff of Gandalf the White
