The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki

Hobbits are small, Man-like, and jolly in nature. They are not well-known, but they are often called "The Little Folk", or "Halflings", by those that know (or have heard) of them. They enjoy their meals very much, and have them very often. They are not warlike, but instead love the comforts of their homes. The most common forms are dug into hills, and called "Hobbit holes", or "Smials", but they have also been known to live in houses above ground, too.


In their earliest days, the Hobbits dwelt by the River Anduin, in the vale of the same name. They led a peaceful existence, divided into three somewhat different tribes. The largest, the Harfoots, were representative of most Hobbits--short, with curly hair, dwelling in holes dug in hillsides. They were associated with Dwarves. By the banks of the River dwelt the Stoors, somewhat broader and hairier than the Harfoots, and more willing to use boats and associate with Men (who at the time dwelt near, and were known as the Éothéod). And in the woods lived the smallest tribe, taller and paler, known as the Fallohides.

However, the days in the Vale grew darker, for the Hobbits sensed even before the Wise the return of the Shadow to Dol Guldur. Furthermore, the Éothéod had fled north, and men of a new type, cruel and swarthy, were coming through the Forest out of the East. Therefore they fled over the Mountains in TA 1050-1150: First the Harfoots over the Gladden Pass, then the Fallohides and Stoors over the High and Redhorn pass. The Harfoots, Fallohides, and some Stoors settled in Rhudaur, but when the power of Angmar rose, they fled. The Stoors travelled south to other of their kind in Dunland, while the other two wandered to Bree, and settled with the men there. The tongue of the Stoors was changed by interaction with the Dunlendings, and even to the present maintained many strange words.

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The three "breeds" of Hobbits.

TN-Green Hill Morning

Marcho and Blanco discover the Shire.

In TA 1601, the brothers Marcho and Blanco asked permission of Argeleb II, King of Arthedain, to settle in an area west of Baranduin. They were granted the land, with promises to maintain the roads and speed the King's messengers. This land they named Sûza: the Shire, and divided it into four farthings between the Far Downs and the Brandywine, as they called Baranduin. They started the Shire-reckoning, a calendar that began at the settling of the Shire. Many settlers (though not all) came from Bree and began to farm the land after their own fashion. Over time, some of the Stoors came north to join the colony in the Shire, while others returned to the fertile lands near the Gladden. They passed out of history and are forgotten, but are believed to have gone extinct in later times. The Stoors of Dunland suffered a similar fate with the Great Plague of TA 1636-7, which struck the Shire hard as well.

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Budgeford in the Shire.

The Shire had peace for many years after, for the Witch-king did not assail it during his war. To the battles at Fornost they sent some archers that never returned, or so they claimed, and when the power of the Witch-king was vanquished in TA 1975 they were free of threat. However, the King was gone, so they created the office of Thain to act as a leader and authority. The Oldbucks held this title, until they colonized Buckland in TA 2340, changed their name to Brandybuck, and built Brandy Hall. The title then passed to the head of the Took family. Pipe-weed began to be grown in the Shire 300 years later, by Tobold Hornblower of Longbottom. It soon became a major crop, and the art of smoking was taught to Dwarves, Men, and the Wizard Gandalf, who visited the Shire on occasion.

The Shire was protected, though they did not know it themselves, by the remnants of Arnor and the Dúnedain of the North. Their secret labour stopped any foes from reaching the Shire, save once. In TA 2747 marauding Orcs from Mount Gram eluded the vigilance of the Rangers and came down into the Northfarthing. Bandobras Took led a defence against them and personally slew the King Golfimbul, whose head sailed a hundred yards and went down a rabbit hole. Thus the battle (the only one in the Shire since the Dark Days) was won, and the game of Golf invented at the same time.


The Residency of Mr. Bilbo Baggins, esq.

The Hobbits also suffered during the Long Winter and Days of Dearth in TA 2759, when they were without food and many perished. However, they swiftly recovered again. They were menaced by the Trees of the Old Forest for a time, but they built a great hedge to keep them out and burnt a great many of the trees. In the Fell Winter of TA 2911 they were attacked by white Wolves who crossed the frozen Brandywine, but these they drove off after calling up the Hobbitry-in-arms.

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The Hill at Hobbiton.

In TA 2941, Gandalf returned after a long sojourn, and took with him Bilbo Baggins, a respectable, descent fellow and owner of Bag End. When he returned out of the Blue, he was strange and quite mad, and rumours tell that he hid great piles of gold and "jools" in his hole. Of this his neighbours speculate wildly, and the Gaffer Gamgee is reputed to know very much about "Mad Baggins", nearly surpassing his knowledge on the growing of "roots", especially potatoes (on which he is regarded as the chief authority by everyone in the neighbourhood, including himself). He claims him to be a polite and well-mannered Hobbit, if a little cracked. It was him who first broke the news that Baggins was adopting his nephew Frodo as his heir, before he did in TA 2989.

The Hobbits of the Shire are happy, prosperous, and oblivious to the World Outside. No dangers threaten them, and they have no great concerns beyond the theft of silver spoons or party invitations. Indeed, a magnificent one is soon to be scheduled, for Bilbo Baggins' 111th Birthday Party is coming up. Tongues have begun to wag about the history and character of the famed owner of Bag End, and all are nearly bursting with excitement for the upcoming Party, which promises to be of special magnificence.


Currently, members and structures of the Hobbits faction are found exclusively in the Shire.


The Hobbits are friendly to all Elvish and Dwarvish factions, and neutral at worst to all mannish ones. Their only enemies are the Orcish and Half-troll factions. They do not approve of war crimes (the killing of enemy civilians).

Ranks of the Hobbits:

  • Enemy (-)
  • Stranger (0)
  • Hobbit Guest (+10)
  • Hobbit Friend (+100)
  • Shire Hayward (+250)
  • Shire Bounder (+500)
  • Shirriff (+1000)
  • Chief Shirriff (+2000)
  • Thain of the Shire (+3000)

Inter-faction relations for Hobbits (HOBBIT)

Mortal Enemies
Blue Mountains
Dúnedain of the North
Durin's Folk
High Elves
Woodland Realm
Near Harad
Dol Guldur
•Dark Huorns

Sphere of Influence[]

The Hobbits have little interest in the outside world so their area of influence is largely within The Shire and Bree-land.

Sphere Hobbits

The Hobbits' Sphere of Influence


Hobbits do not normally invade anywhere without a warhorn, but small defensive raids will spawn if an enemy is spotted in the Shire.


Conquerable biomes[]

The old forest and the barrow-downs.

Ally aids only[]

The Angle, Angmar, the Blue Mountains, the Coldfells, Dale, Dorwinion, Dunland, the East Bight, Enedwaith, Erebor, Eregion, Eriador (except the White Downs), the Ettenmoors, the Grey Mountains, the Iron Hills, the Lone-Lands, the Long Marshes, Midgewater, the Misty Mountains, the Northlands, Rhúdel, Swanfleet, the Trollshaws, the White Mountains and Wilderland.


Unlike most other factions, Hobbits have very few military units. Their units are mainly civilians and traders.

  • Hobbits - These are the basic civilian unit for the Hobbit faction.
  • Hobbit Bartenders - One of these jolly fellows is found behind the counter of every Hobbit Tavern. They are traders, and specialize in food-related items. They are also the only source of Hobbit Marriage Rings.
  • Hobbit Farmers - These Hobbits supply much of The Shire's food. They can be found in the attics of their barns, where they sell vegetables.
  • Hobbit Farmhands - Hard working, and merry all the same, these Hobbits can be found in their farms, and can be hired from farmers.
  • Hobbit Orcharders - As can be assumed by the name, these Hobbits can be found in orchards. They can be recognized by their green hats, and will sell you fruit from the trees.
  • Hobbit Bounders - The brave fighting force of the Shire. They patrol The Shire, and will mercilessly assault enemies with their tiny slings and daggers. Occasionally, they are mounted on Shire Ponies.
  • Hobbit Shirriffs - They can be found in taverns, and you can hire Bounders from them. They always wear a hat with a green feather.


  • Hobbit Holes - These are the most luxurious Hobbit structures. They house a family of Hobbits, as well as a lot of food.
  • Hobbit Burrows - Smaller, more common holes for the less wealthy Hobbit families.
  • Hobbit Houses - Houses are as common as burrows but are built instead of dug.
  • Hobbit Picnic Benches - The benches can be found all throughout The Shire. Plates, and a decent amount of food, can be found on top of them.
  • Hobbit Taverns - These are very large structures that contain a Hobbit Bartender, lots of food, and lots of Hobbits.
  • Hobbit Windmills - Windmills can be found semi-rarely in The Shire. They usually contain an alcoholic drink of some sort, as well as some chests.
  • Hobbit Farms - These farms consist of a barn (with a Farmer) and a garden worked by farmhands.


  • Hobbit Crafting Table Hobbit Crafting Tables - These crafting tables are found only in The Shire, and are used to make many Hobbit-related items.
  • Banner Hobbit Banner of the Hobbits - The banner of the Shire-folk; a simple green and yellow design.
  • Hobbit Oven Hobbit Ovens - These handy appliances are like furnaces, but can only cook food, albeit more efficiently.
  • Sling Slings - A small ranged weapon lacking range and power, but handy in a pinch.
  • Hobbit Pipe Hobbit Pipes - These items allow the player to use pipe-weed, and can only be bought from Hobbit Bartenders.
  • Hobbit Pancake Hobbit Pancakes - These delicious breakfast items are very healthy, and can be combined with maple syrup for an even richer taste!
  • Pipeweed Pipe-weed - Although this plant can be found rarely in Gondor, it grows most commonly in The Shire, and is also used exclusively by players and Hobbits.
The One Wiki to Rule Them All has an article on:


The Tolkien Gateway has an article on:


Hobbit Banner  The Little Folk of the Shire  Hobbit Banner

NPCs: Hobbit (Farmhand, Bounder)
Traders: BartenderFarmerOrcharderShirriff
Items: Leather HatMarriage RingPebblePipeSling
Blocks: Crafting TableOven
Structures: BurrowFarmHoleHousePicnic BenchTavernWindmill
