The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki
Then one of the knights took the king's banner from the hand of Gúthlaf the banner-bearer who lay dead, and he lifted it up.

The Return of the King, The Battle of the Pelennor Fields

Banner bearers are hireable warrior units. They are very similar to normal warrior-type NPCs, except that they carry a banner, and improve the stats of nearby units of the same faction. There is one type of banner bearer for each faction (and sub-faction) that has a banner.

Since the Beta 19 update, banner bearers fight normally with a melee weapon. They hold their banner in the left hand at all times. In previous mod versions, they only fought with a dagger, and only when provoked, and they had to take down the banner when they fought.

These NPCs do not spawn naturally under normal circumstances, but they can spawn when there's an invasion. They can also be hired from their corresponding captains.


An NPC will receive stat boosts from nearby banner bearers as follows. Note that neither the NPC nor the banner bearers need to be hired for most of these effects to apply, and banner bearers do not boost their own stats or the stats of other banner bearers.

  • Count the number of nearby banner bearers (of the same faction) in a cube of 'radius' 16 blocks centred on the NPC.
  • This value is capped at 5: if there are more than 5 banner bearers nearby, the effects described below will work as if there were only 5 nearby.
  • Melee attacks dealt by the NPC will deal 0.5 more damage for each banner bearer, for a maximum of 2.5 extra damage points. Note: 0.5 HP is not a 'half heart' - which is 1 HP - it is half of a 'half heart'.
  • Any damage dealt to the NPC will be reduced by a factor of 1/12 for each banner bearer. Thus, the maximum damage reduction from banner bearers is 5/12, or around 42% (meaning the damage dealt will be ~58% of the original value).
  • Only if the NPC is hired and not in combat: For each banner bearer nearby, the NPC will heal 1 HP regularly in some time interval. This time interval is 10 seconds with one banner bearer, 8 seconds with two, 6 seconds with three, and so on.

Hired banner bearers will automatically attempt to follow and remain close to other hired units of the same faction, so as to maximise their benefits.

List of all Banner Bearers (Prior to Change)[]

Note that prices drop when alignment rises (see here for more information on unit hiring).

Name Hired from Alignment required Cost in coins
Ranger banner bearer Ranger Captain of the North +450 70
Blue Mountains banner bearer Blue Mountains Commander +400 50
Lindon banner bearer Lindon Lord +550 70
Rivendell banner bearer Rivendell Captain +550 70
Gundabad banner bearer Gundabad Orc Chieftain +250 35
Angmar banner bearer Angmar Orc Chieftain +300 40
Rhudaur Hillman banner bearer Rhudaur Hillman Chieftain +300 50
Wood-elf banner bearer Wood-elf Captain +550 70
Dol Guldur banner bearer Dol Guldur Orc Chieftain +300 40
Dalish banner bearer Dalish Captain +300 50
Esgaroth banner bearer Dalish Captain +300 50
Dwarf banner bearer Dwarf Commander +400 50
Galadhrim banner bearer Galadhrim Lord +550 70
Dunlending banner bearer Dunlending Warlord +300 50
Uruk banner bearer Uruk Chieftain +300 60
Rohan banner bearer Rohirrim Marshal +300 50
Gondor banner bearer Gondorian Captain +300 50
Ithilien banner bearer Ithilien Ranger Captain +450 70
Dol Amroth banner bearer Dol Amroth Captain +400 60
Lossarnach banner bearer Lossarnach Captain +350 50
Lebennin banner bearer Lebennin Levymaster +300 40
Pelargir banner bearer Pelargir Commander +400 50
Blackroot Vale banner bearer Blackroot Vale Bowlord +350 50
Pinnath Gelin banner bearer Pinnath Gelin Captain +400 50
Lamedon banner bearer Lamedon Captain +400 50
Mordor banner bearer Mordor Orc Commander +300 40
Minas Morgul banner bearer Mordor Orc Commander +300 40
Black Uruk banner bearer Mordor Orc Commander +550 80
Nan Ungol banner bearer Mordor Orc Spider Keeper +400 40
Dorwinion banner bearer Vintner Guard Captain +300 60
Dorwinion Elf banner bearer Captain of Bladorthin +400 70
Easterling banner bearer Easterling Warlord +350 50
Harnennor Banner Bearer Harnennor Warlord +300 40
Coast Southron banner bearer Coast Southron Warlord +300 50
Umbar Banner Bearer Umbar Captain +300 50
Nomad Banner Bearer Nomad Chieftain +300 40
Gulfing Banner Bearer Gulfing Warlord +300 50
Morwaith banner bearer Morwaith Chieftain +300 40
Taurethrim banner bearer Taurethrim Chieftain +350 50
Half-troll banner bearer Half-troll Warlord +350 70
Gondor Shield  The Men of Gondor  Gondor Banner

NPCs: GondorianLevymanSoldier (Archer, Banner Bearer, Tower Guard)
Traders: CaptainMarket Traders
Items: Armour (Horse) • BowEquipment
Blocks: BeaconBrick (Cobble) • CasketCrafting Table
Structures: Beacon TowerFortressObeliskRuined TowerRuinsSettlementsTurretWatchfort

Blackroot Shield  The Soldiers of the Blackroot Vale  BlackrootVale Banner

NPCs: Soldier (Bowman)
Traders: Bowlord
Items: ArmourBow
Blocks: Blackroot

Dol Amroth Shield  The Knights of Dol Amroth  Dol Amroth Banner

Man-at-arms (Archer) • Swan Knight (Banner Bearer)
Traders: Captain
Items: Armour (Horse) • EquipmentSwan Feather
Blocks: BrickCrafting Table
Structures: Stable

Gondor Shield  The Rangers of Ithilien  Ithilien Banner

NPCs: Ranger of Ithilien
Traders: Captain
Items: Armour
Structures: Hideout

Lamedon Shield  The Hillmen of Lamedon  Lamedon Banner

NPCs: Warrior (Archer, Hillman)
Traders: Captain
Items: ArmourGambeson

Lebennin Shield  The Folk of Lebennin  Lebennin Banner

NPCs: Levyman
Traders: Captain
Items: Gambeson

Lossarnach Shield  The Mountaineers of Lossarnach  Lossarnach Banner

NPCs: Axeman
Traders: Captain
Items: ArmourEquipment

Pelargir Shield  The Mariners of Pelargir  Pelargir Banner

NPCs: Marine
Traders: Commander
Items: ArmourEquipment

Pinnath Gelin Shield  The Warriors of Pinnath Gelin  PinnathGelin Banner

NPCs: Soldier
Traders: Captain
Items: Armour

Moredain Shield  The Morwaith of Far Harad  Moredain Banner

NPCs: Morwaith (Banner Bearer, Warrior, Mercenary)
Traders: ChieftainHuntsmanHutmaker
Items: Armour (Chieftain) • Equipment
Blocks: BasketBrickCrafting Table
Structures: Hunter CampVillageMercenary Camp

Dol Guldur Shield  The Regiments of Dol Guldur  Dol Guldur Banner

NPCs: Orc (Archer, Banner Bearer) • Olog-haiSpider
Traders: ChieftainTrader
Items: Armour (Morgul, Morgul Horse) • ChainEquipment (Morgul)
Blocks: BedBrickCrafting TableForgeTorch (Morgul)
Structures: AltarCampSpider PitTower

Angmar Shield  The Raiders of Angmar  Angmar Banner

NPCs: Orc (Archer, Banner Bearer, Bombardier) • Troll (Chieftain, Hill) • Warg (Bombardier)
Traders: ChieftainTrader
Items: Armour (Morgul, Morgul Horse, Warg) • ChainEquipment (Morgul) • Skull Staff
Blocks: BedBrickCrafting TableForgeTorch (Morgul)
Structures: CampDungeonHoardShrineTowerWarg Pit

Angmar Shield  The Hillmen of Rhudaur  Rhudaur Banner

NPCs: Rhudaur Hillman (Axe-thrower, Banner Bearer, Warrior)
Traders: Chieftain
Structures: CastleVillage

Blue Mountains Shield  The Dwarves of the Blue Mountains  Blue Mountains Banner

NPCs: Dwarf (Axe Thrower, Banner Bearer, Warrior)
Traders: CommanderMerchantMinerSmith
Items: Armour (Boar) • EquipmentMarriage Ring
Blocks: BedBrickCrafting TableDoorForgeSarlluin Brick
Structures: HouseMineSmithyStronghold

Dunland Shield  The Wildmen of Dunland  Dunland Banner

NPCs: Dunlending (Axe-thrower, Banner Bearer, Berserker, Bowman, Warrior)
Traders: BartenderWarlord
Items: ArmourEquipment
Blocks: BasketCrafting Table
Structures: CampfireHill FortHouseTavern

Dwarf Shield  The Dwarves of Durin's Folk  Dwarf Banner

NPCs: Dwarf (Axe Thrower, Banner Bearer, Warrior)
Traders: CommanderMerchantMinerSmith
Items: Armour (Trimmed, Boar) • EquipmentMarriage Ring
Blocks: BedBrickCrafting TableDoorForge
Structures: HouseMine (Ruined) • SmithyTower (Ruined)

Galadhrim Shield  The Wood-elves of Lothlórien  Galadhrim Banner

NPCs: Elf (Banner Bearer, Warden, Warrior)
Traders: LordSmithWanderer
Items: Armour (Galvorn, Horse) • Bow (Mallorn) • CloakEdhelmirEquipment (Mallorn)
Hithlain (Ladder, Rope) • LembasMallorn LadderMallorn Torch
Blocks: BedBrickCrafting TableElvengrassForgeMallorn Box
Structures: SmithyTreehouse

Gondor Shield  The Men of Gondor  Gondor Banner

NPCs: GondorianLevymanSoldier (Archer, Banner Bearer, Tower Guard)
Traders: CaptainMarket Traders
Items: Armour (Horse) • BowEquipment
Blocks: BeaconBrick (Cobble) • CasketCrafting Table
Structures: Beacon TowerFortressObeliskRuined TowerRuinsSettlementsTurretWatchfort

Blackroot Shield  The Soldiers of the Blackroot Vale  BlackrootVale Banner

NPCs: Soldier (Bowman)
Traders: Bowlord
Items: ArmourBow
Blocks: Blackroot

Dol Amroth Shield  The Knights of Dol Amroth  Dol Amroth Banner

Man-at-arms (Archer) • Swan Knight (Banner Bearer)
Traders: Captain
Items: Armour (Horse) • EquipmentSwan Feather
Blocks: BrickCrafting Table
Structures: Stable

Gondor Shield  The Rangers of Ithilien  Ithilien Banner

NPCs: Ranger of Ithilien
Traders: Captain
Items: Armour
Structures: Hideout

Lamedon Shield  The Hillmen of Lamedon  Lamedon Banner

NPCs: Warrior (Archer, Hillman)
Traders: Captain
Items: ArmourGambeson

Lebennin Shield  The Folk of Lebennin  Lebennin Banner

NPCs: Levyman
Traders: Captain
Items: Gambeson

Lossarnach Shield  The Mountaineers of Lossarnach  Lossarnach Banner

NPCs: Axeman
Traders: Captain
Items: ArmourEquipment

Pelargir Shield  The Mariners of Pelargir  Pelargir Banner

NPCs: Marine
Traders: Commander
Items: ArmourEquipment

Pinnath Gelin Shield  The Warriors of Pinnath Gelin  PinnathGelin Banner

NPCs: Soldier
Traders: Captain
Items: Armour

Gundabad Shield  The Hordes of Gundabad  Gundabad Banner

NPCs: Orc (Archer, Banner Bearer) • Uruk (Archer) • Warg
Traders: ChieftainScrounger
Items: ArmourChainEquipmentSkull Staff
Blocks: BedCrafting TableForgeTorch
Structures: CampDungeon

Half-troll Shield  The Half-trolls of Perdorogwaith  Half-troll Banner

NPCs: Half-troll (Banner Bearer, Warrior)
Traders: ScavengerWarlord
Items: Armour (Rhino) • ChainEquipmentTorog DraughtTorog Stew
Blocks: BasketBedCrafting Table
Structures: HouseWarlord House

Rivendell  Lindon  The High Elves of the West  Lindon  Rivendell

Items: EdhelmirGalvorn Armour
Blocks: BedBrickElvengrassForgeTorch
Structures: HallHouseSmithyTurretUnderwater Ruin

High Elf Shield  The Elves of Lindon  High Elf Banner

NPCs: Elf (Banner Bearer, Warrior)
Traders: LordSmith
Items: Armour (Horse) • BowEquipment
Blocks: Crafting Table
Structures: Tower

Rivendell Shield  The Elves of Rivendell  Rivendell Banner

NPCs: Elf (Banner Bearer, Warrior)
Traders: CaptainSmithWanderer
Items: Armour (Horse) • BowEquipment
Blocks: Crafting Table

Mordor Shield  The Hosts of Mordor  Mordor Banner

Mobs: Black Uruk (Archer) • Olog-haiOrc (Archer, Banner Bearer, Bombardier)
SlaveSpiderWarg (Bombardier)
Traders: ChieftainCaptainSlaverSpider KeeperTraderWicked Dwarf
Items: Armour (Black Uruk, Morgul, Morgul Horse, Warg) • Chain
Equipment (Black Uruk, Morgul) • Skull Staff
Blocks: BedBrickCrafting TableForgeMossThornsTorch (Morgul)
Structures: CampDungeonFarmFortressMount DoomSpider PitTower (Slaver) • Warg Pit

Harad Contest Shield  The Southrons of Near Harad  Near Harad Banner

NPCs: Slave
Traders: Merchant
Items: Black Númenórean ArmourBowEquipmentRobes
Blocks: BasketBrickChestCrafting Table
Structures: Ancient FortressObeliskPyramid

Umbar Shield  The Corsairs of Umbar  Umbar Banner

NPCs: Umbarians (Archer, Banner Bearer, Corsair, Soldier) • Gondorian Renegade
Traders: BartenderBazaar TradersCaptain (Umbar) • FarmerSlaver
Items: Armour (Umbaric, Horse) • Equipment (Umbaric)
Blocks: BrickCrafting Table
Structures: CampHideoutSettlement

Near Harad Shield  The Southrons of the Coasts  Near Harad Banner

NPCs: Southrons (Archer, Banner Bearer, Champion, Warrior)
Traders: BartenderBazaar TradersFarmerWarlord
Items: Armour (Horse, Champion) • Equipment
Blocks: Crafting Table
Structures: Settlement

Harnedor Shield  The Harnedhrim of Harnennor  Near Harad Banner

NPCs: Harnedhrim (Archer, Banner Bearer, Farmhand, Warrior)
Traders: BartenderBazaar TradersFarmerWarlord
Items: Armour
Blocks: Crafting Table
Structures: CampSettlementWatchtower

HelmetNomad  The Nomads of the Great Desert  Southron Nomads Banner

NPCs: Nomads (Archer, Banner Bearer, Guard)
Traders: Bazaar TradersChieftainMerchant
Items: Armour
Blocks: Crafting Table
Structures: Settlement

Gulfing Shield  The Gulfings of Khopazul  Gulf of Harad Banner

NPCs: Gulfing (Archer, Banner Bearer, Warrior)
Traders: BartenderBazaar TradersFarmerWarlord
Items: ArmourEquipment
Blocks: Crafting Table
Structures: Settlement

Ranger Shield  The Dúnedain of the North  Ranger Banner

NPCs: DúnedainRanger (Banner Bearer, Outrider)
Traders: BlacksmithCaptain
Items: Armour (Arnorian) • Gondorian BowRanger Bow
Blocks: Arnor BrickCrafting Table
Structures: CampRuined TowerVillageWatchtower

Rohan Shield  The Horse-Lords of Rohan  Rohan Banner

NPCs: Banner BearerBowmanFarmhandShieldmaidenWarrior
Traders: Market TradersMarshal
Items: Armour (Horse, Marshal) • BowEquipment
Blocks: BrickCrafting Table
Structures: BarrowFortressMead HallVillageWatchtower

Uruk Hai Shield  The Battalions of Isengard  Uruk Banner

NPCs: Uruk (Banner Bearer, Berserker, Crossbower, Sapper)
Snaga (Archer) • Warg (Bombardier)
Traders: ChieftainTrader
Items: Armour (Warg) • ChainEquipmentSkull Staff
Blocks: BedBrickCrafting TableForgeTorch
Structures: CampDungeonWarg Pit

Wood-Elf Shield  The Wood-elves of Mirkwood  Wood-Elf Banner

NPCs: Elf (Banner Bearer, Scout, Warrior)
Traders: CaptainSmith
Items: Armour (Galvorn, Scout, Elk) • BowEquipment
Blocks: BedBrickCrafting TableForgeTorch
Structures: HouseLookout PlatformSmithyTower (Ruined)

Angmar Shield  The Raiders of Angmar  Angmar Banner

NPCs: Orc (Archer, Banner Bearer, Bombardier) • Troll (Chieftain, Hill) • Warg (Bombardier)
Traders: ChieftainTrader
Items: Armour (Morgul, Morgul Horse, Warg) • ChainEquipment (Morgul) • Skull Staff
Blocks: BedBrickCrafting TableForgeTorch (Morgul)
Structures: CampDungeonHoardShrineTowerWarg Pit

Angmar Shield  The Hillmen of Rhudaur  Rhudaur Banner

NPCs: Rhudaur Hillman (Axe-thrower, Banner Bearer, Warrior)
Traders: Chieftain
Structures: CastleVillage

Tauredain Shield  The Taurethrim of Far Harad  Tauredain Banner

NPCs: Taurethrim (Banner Bearer, Blowgunner, Farmhand, Warrior)
Traders: ChieftainFarmerShamanSmith
Items: TauredainAmulet150 AmuletArmourTaurethrim Blowgun BlowgunTauredain Cocoa CocoaTauredain Dart Dart
EquipmentTauredain150 EquipmentJungleRemedy RemedyObsidianShard ShardTorch tauredain Torch
Blocks: BrickCrafting TableGravel
Structures: PyramidVillage
